How precious and encouraging it is that we can come to the Lord with our toils and burdens and He will give us rest, and we can take the Lord’s yoke upon us and learn from Him to find rest for our souls! Amen! This week in our morning revival we come to the matter […]
Come to the Lord with our Toils and Burdens, Take His Yoke upon us and Learn from Him
Sacrificing Ourselves to be Meek in our Attitude to Keep the Oneness of the Spirit

As those saved by the Lord and brought by Him into the proper church life, we need to have a walk that is worthy of His calling. For this, we firstly need to be diligent to keep the oneness of the Spirit (Eph. 4:3). We already have the oneness – we have received the oneness […]
Having a Meek, Quiet, and Lowly Spirit for God to be Pleased to Dwell with us

We have seen that we need to cooperate with the Lord to deal with our spirit, that is, to deal with the passages of our spirit. Also, we have seen that, according to the Bible, we need to be poor in spirit and pure in heart, and we need to have a steadfast spirit, a […]
Coming to Christ with Our Burdens and Learning from This Meek and Lowly One

This week we have been enjoying the Lord’s speaking concerning keeping the principle of the Sabbath, which doesn’t mean that you don’t work for God but rather you first enjoy God, are filled with God, and are one with God, and then you work together with God. How can we bear this sign of the […]