This week we are coming to the book of Revelation to see a wonderful revelation of the glorious Christ. The book of Revelation doesn’t merely speak of “the end of the world” and of all kinds of signs and wonders that will happen when God will judge the earth but, as Rev. 1:1 says, it […]
Seeing Who the Overcomers are, How are they Produced, and What is the New Jerusalem
Seeing how a Lover of the Lord Becomes Full of the Stature of Christ in Song of Songs

The book of Song of Songs shows us how a believer is growing in life unto maturity to fully match Christ, even becoming the Shulammite, the feminine form of Solomon – the same as Christ in every possible way. The loving seeker of Christ is progressively experiencing Christ until he reaches full maturity, becoming the […]
becoming the same as Christ to be qualified to work with Him for His Body

Who can work with the Lord for the Body? In Song of Songs we see that if we would work with the Lord for the Body we need to become the Shulammite, one who is qualified to work with the Beloved (see Song of Songs 6:13; 7:1-13). In other words, for us to work with […]
we pursue towards the goal in order to receive the reward, and we run the Christian race for the prize!
In our Christian life we are those who love the Lord and enjoy Him, focusing on the wonderful divine life in us. This is what we desire – to grow in life and mature in life. On the other hand though, as we see it in the Bible, we also want to gain the reward […]