If we mean business with the Lord concerning the spreading of the truths He has shown us in the Lord’s recovery, we need to bear the burden to give and support those serving the Lord full-time. Nowadays in the church life, we don’t talk about money or giving, neither do we have something like […]
Fellowship in and among the Churches regarding Supporting those Serving the Lord Full-time
Having Fellowship unto the Furtherance of the Gospel by our Giving to Support the Full-Timers

As believers in Christ, we should honor God as the very bountiful Giver who affords us all the riches, and we should give for the fellowship unto the furtherance of the gospel. God is not a beggar who needs our money, but He delights in the sweet-smelling savor, the acceptable sacrifice, well-pleasing to God, […]
The Issue of Experiencing Christ’s Dynamic Salvation is Giving our all to the Lord

The issue of experiencing Christ’s dynamic salvation and of being inwardly supplied by the divine life in a rich way is that we give not only ten percent to the Lord but our full one hundred percent, giving ourselves to Him for His purpose. Amen! All we are and have is not our own; […]
Have Fellowship unto the Gospel for the Lord’s Move and Keep the Principle of Equality

It is a great thing for us to have fellowship unto the gospel, for we all are full-timers, those who serve the Lord with all we are and have; though we may have a job, we need to practice divine equality by supporting those who serve the Lord with their full time in the […]
Live a Life by faith to Spread the Divine Truths and Trust in the Lord to meet our needs

We need to be before the Lord concerning His move on earth; if He leads us in the way of migration, we need to live a life by faith, serving the Lord and trusting in the Lord for our necessity, spreading the high truths to the hungry ones, and receiving the Lord’s supply through […]
Answer God’s Call to be One with Him in His Move on Earth, Here I am, Lord, Send me!

The Lord moves in our move, and He has a need on earth for many of His believers to be one with Him in their daily living and in their move to spread the truth and preach the gospel to the whole inhabited earth. Amen, what a privilege it is for us to do […]