For us to be saved from this crooked and perverse generation, we need to build up the corporate Christ, the church, as the ark for our salvation and the salvation of those under our care; in the church life we’re building up the church as our salvation from this evil age. Many believers are wondering […]
Being Saved from this evil age by Working out our Salvation and Building the Corporate Christ
Being Saved from this Crooked and Perverted Generation by Building up the Church as the Ark

God needs to end this age and bring in the age of the kingdom; in the church life today we are the family of Noah building the ark, the reality of the Body of Christ, so that we may be saved from this crooked and perverted generation. When the Lord Jesus spoke concerning His return, […]
God’s Need is for Man to Subdue God’s Enemy and Recover the Earth for God’s Kingdom

God needs man to recover the earth for God; He gave man to have dominion over the earth to subdue it, conquer it, and deal with God’s enemy so that He may recover the earth for the kingdom of God. This is God’s need. This is God’s intention from the very beginning. He created man […]
Giving God the Cooperation of our Human Will in Total Responsiveness to Him Today

God created man with a free will, and His almighty power is limited by the cooperation of man; we need to come to a place of total responsiveness to God so that He would have a free way to accomplish His will on the earth. It is amazing to realize that God, the omnipotent and […]
The Body of Christ can either Express Christ or Limit Him in what He wants to do

In order for His will to be done on earth and for His eternal purpose to be fulfilled among us, God needs our cooperation; the Body of Christ can either express Christ or limit Him in what He wants to do. Oh, Lord! How much we need the Lord’s shining on the way we live, […]
We can Continually enjoy the All-inclusive Christ as our Inheritance in our Spirit

The all-inclusive Christ is our inheritance; we have been saved, forgiven of our sins, and transferred into Christ as the realm of life and light, and we were given an inheritance among those sanctified by faith in Christ – Christ is our inheritance and we’re becoming God’s inheritance! Hallelujah! The Father qualified us, the believers […]
We’re Rooted in the All-inclusive Christ as the Allotted Portion of the Saints to Absorb Him

In Col. 1:12 Paul employs the concept of the all-inclusive land when he spoke of the allotted portion of the saints in the light, and in Col. 2:6-7 we are told about walking in Him, having been rooted and being built up in Him as the good land. Hallelujah, God the Father has qualified us, […]