The Lord wants to manifest His resurrection power in us, but He will wait until we are hopelessly weak, an utter failure, and completely dead, and then He comes in; when we draw near to Him, we need to let Him do what He wills in us, realizing that He will manifest Himself to us […]
As those Hopelessly Weak, we Draw Near to God, Allow Him to do what He Wills, and Trust Him
In our Contact with the Lord we Seek Him, Inquire of Him, and Confess our Sins to Drink Him

In our contact with the Lord in prayer, we need to learn not to direct Him but ask “what shall I do, Lord?”, we need to let Him point out our needs and problems and just confess these to drink the living water, and we need to seek the Lord Himself as the unseen spiritual […]
Real Prayer is to Express God as we Abide in the Lord, Let His Word abide in us, and Ask

Real prayer is coming to God, letting God speak within us, and expressing what God has spoken to us in prayer to Him; the meaning of prayer is first to absorb God and then to express God, speaking the words He spoke to us back to Him. Such prayer is acceptable to Him, for He […]
Take Time to Absorb Christ in our Personal Time with Him to Grow in Him for the Body

As believers in Christ, we have been rooted in Christ as the rich soil so that we may grow with the elements that we absorb from Him; therefore, we need to take time to absorb Christ by having an adequate and considerable amount of time with the Lord personally and privately so that we spontaneously […]
The Meaning of Prayer is to Absorb God: we can Come to God as we Are to Contact God!

The meaning of prayer is first to absorb God, for the more we contact God, the more we will absorb Him, and the more we will enjoy Him as our light and salvation. Amen! This week we come to a new topic in the HWMR entitled, Prayer to Absorb God and to Express God by […]
The Love of God has been Poured out in our Hearts: we have a Heart and Spirit of Love!

Praise the Lord, the love of God has been poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit, and now we have a spirit of love to love God and the brothers with God as our love! How we thank and praise the Lord that He not only infuses us with faith but also with […]
God needs the Man-child for His Greatest Dispensational Move and Accomplish His Purpose

God needs the man-child for His greatest dispensational move, the ending of the age of the church and the bringing in of the age of the kingdom; He is after the overcomers who cooperate with Him fully to end this age and bring in the kingdom age. And He will gain such ones. We have […]