We abide in the Triune God by means of the linking Spirit and according to the teaching of the anointing of the Triune God; the anointing is in us and teaches us everything, unveiling the Triune God to us, and leads us to abide in God. Hallelujah! The practical way for us to abide […]
We Abide in the Triune God by Heeding the Teaching of the Anointing of the Triune God
We abide in the Father who Cares for us, and we Abide in God by having Faith and Love

The New Testament tells us to abide in Christ, in the Lord, in the Son of God, in the Father, and in God; to abide in the Father is to abide in the One who cares for us in every way, and to abide in God is to have the faith of the Son […]
We need to See that we are Branches in the Vine and Maintain our Fellowship with the Lord

Our Christian life is a life of abiding in the Lord; we need to see a clear vision that we are branches in the vine and maintain our fellowship with the Lord so that we can abide in Christ and abide in the Son. Amen, we are branches in Christ, the vine! We believers […]
Christ and the Believers form the Organism of the Triune God in the Divine Dispensing

As believers in Christ, we live in the Divine Trinity by abiding in Christ as the true vine; we are branches of Christ, the vine, and we need to abide in the vine so that we and Christ, the vine and the branches, would be the organism of the Triune God in the divine […]
The Father is the Source, Christ is the True Vine, we are the Branches, and the Spirit is the Reality

John 15 reveals four important matters: the Father as the husbandman (the farmer), the Son as the true vine, the Spirit of reality as the life sap flowing in the vine, and the Body of Christ as the many branches in the vine. John chapters 14-17 show us how we as believers in Christ […]
We Live in and with the Divine Trinity by Abiding in Christ and by Christ abiding in us

As believers in Christ, we need to live in and with the Divine Trinity. We need to see the practical experience of living in and with the Divine Trinity, and we need to practice abiding in the Lord as the vine; if we abide in Him, He abides in us, and whatever we ask […]
The Best Prayer is to Pray to God as a Friend, Interceding before God in Intimate Fellowship with Him

The best prayer is to pray to God as a friend; Abraham was the friend of God, and his interceding was an intimate conversation between two friends, an intimate talk according to the unveiling of God’s heart’s desire. Inquiring prayers honor God; David knew how to pray because he often inquired of Jehovah (see 1 […]