Seeing that there is one church in the universe and there are many local churches expressing this one church in the many localities, we need to realize that the local ground of the church is the unique oneness of the Body of Christ practiced in the local churches. Our God is very wise in the […]
Living the Church Life on the Local Ground of the Church for the Reality of the Body
The Unique Body of Christ is Expressed in Many Local Churches in the Divine Oneness

Christ has only one Body, which is the universal church, and a local church is an expression of the Body of Christ in a certain locality; the unique Body of Christ is expressed in many local churches in the divine oneness. Hallelujah! In regards to the truth concerning the church, it is twofold: there is […]
Remaining in the Fellowship of the Apostles to be in the Fellowship of the Body

The fellowship of the Body of Christ – which is the fellowship among the churches – is the fellowship of the apostles, which issues from the teaching of the apostles. We need to see what is the intrinsic fellowship of the churches (as the local expressions of the unique organic Body of Christ) for their […]
Enjoy the Processed and Dispensing Triune God as Branches in the Vine and Members of Christ

The intrinsic essence of the church as the Body of Christ is the true vine, for all believers are grafted in Christ and enjoy the flow of life, partaking of the processed and dispensing Triune God and thus being one in Him! Hallelujah! We need to turn our view from anything outward related to the […]
The Proper Ground of Oneness is the Unique Ground of One Church for one Locality

The unique ground of God’s choice is the proper ground of oneness of His people; in the Old Testament this ground was Jerusalem with Mount Zion where the temple was built, and in the New Testament it is the ground of oneness – the one universal church being expressed in many localities standing on the […]
knowing the Body in practice: the universal church and the local churches

On the one hand, we need to know the Body of Christ in life – Christ is the life of the Body of Christ, and the Body is a mingling of divinity with humanity. When we see that the Christ we have received through regeneration is the life of the Body of Christ, we will […]
the local churches as the golden lampstands bear the testimony of Jesus on the earth
If we do not see what the Lord’s recovery is intrinsically, we may be in the Lord’s recovery outwardly and in the local church meetings weekly, but we may have an empty church life. Unless we see the intrinsic significance of the Lord’s recovery we have a vain life, at best a Brethren-type of meeting… The focus of the Lord’s Recovery is the corporate expression of the Triune God – in the church life, Christ is shining and God is fully expressed through all the saints! O, Lord, show us intrinsically what the focus of the Lord’s recovery is! [continue reading this portion inspired from the Morning Revival on the Focus of the Lord’s Recovery, week 1 day 4]