Throughout the Bible we see that God desires to be one with man and for man to be one with Him, and in particular this is seen in the resemblance of God and man in their images and likenesses. Wow! This week in our Crystallization-study of Jeremiah and Lamentations we come to a colossal crystal, […]
The Resemblance of God and Man as seen in Man’s Creation and Christ’s Incarnation
God desires to have a group of people to express Him and represent Him on earth

Many people love the Psalms because when they read the Psalms, “they speak to their heart”, matching their inward condition and their sentiments in seeking after God. But have you ever wondered what is the center, the reality, and the characteristic of the divine revelation in the book of Psalms? Is it the seeking one’s […]
what is mortal man, that the Lord remembers him, and the son of man, that He visits him?
In Psalms 8 David looked at the heavens and saw the work of God’s fingers – even in the dark night of this world, if you look at the heavens you see the moon and the stars! God created and ordained the moon and the stars to shine even in the darkness – when we […]
vanity of vanity, all is vanity and chasing after the wind if we’re not filled with God as our content!
When you pray over the Word of God, the light shines! The Bible clearly says that, All Scripture is God-breathed… (2 Tim. 3:16)- and this means that every word in the Bible is the breath of God which can become life to us when we take it in by means of all prayer and petition […]