In God’s economy, we believers in Christ are not only eaters of the tree of life but we are also branches of this tree, and we may eventually become a small tree of life, a reproduction of Christ as the tree of life! Amen! This week we come to the last week in this […]
God’s Intention is for us to become a Reproduction of Christ as the Tree of Life
Christ Builds the Church by Making His Home in our Heart to Constitute us with God

Christ is the only One qualified to build up His church, and he does this by building Himself into our being, that is, by making His home in our heart so that we may be mingled with the Triune God and become a mutual abode with Him. This is what the Bible reveals that God’s […]
Letting Christ Build Himself into us and Build us into God by Abiding in the Lord

The Lord Jesus is the first One who mentioned the word “church” and He said, I will build My church (Matt. 16:18). The question is, how does Jesus build His church? Since He was the son of a carpenter, does this mean that He right now uses a hammer with nails and all kinds of […]
Seeing Christ’s Goings Forth from Eternity in History and Into Our Heart!
![Seeing Christ's Goings Forth from Eternity in History and Into Our Heart! [in the picture: alley in Cambridge, UK]](
There is a small phrase, “His going forth are from the ancient times” in Micah 5:2, which is the key to this whole coming week in our morning revival time. What does it mean that Christ’s goings forth are from the ancient times? The general knowledge and the common notion among the Christians today is […]
a lifelong enjoyment of the divine goodness and lovingkindness in the house of Jehovah(Psalm 23)
Psalm 23 is a psalm on God’s economy, and God’s economy has as its goal the church, the house of God! The last verse in Psalm 23 therefore says, Surely goodness and lovingkindness will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of Jehovah for the length of […]
Christ is housing Himself in our heart and we become one with Christ in His inward parts
“God the Father is exercising His authority through God the Spirit to strengthen us into the inner man that God the Son may make His home deep down in our hearts” (quote from God’s New Testament Economy) – this is what happens in Eph. 3:16. Some believers may say only that Christ is in the […]
experiencing the Lord and turning to Him even in our hardships(a sister’s testimony)
Recently I experience a period of hardship that never happened before in my life. Due to this sudden and dramatic change, I stopped all my doing and turned to the Lord. While I was asking the Lord why this thing happened on me, I was enlightened by the Lord to see that I am just […]