We need to build up the wall to protect the church as the house of God and we need to live by Christ and to live out Christ, thus magnifying Christ so that we can build up the church as the expression of God. Amen! We have seen how the ministry of Ezra and […]
Build the Wall to Protect the Church and Magnify Christ to be the Expression of God
Live a Human Life in Resurrection to have the Presence of the Triune God and Magnify Christ

We need to live a human life in resurrection so that we may have the presence of the Triune God and magnify Christ. As believers in Christ and disciples of Jesus, we need to live the same kind of life that He lived, a life of denying ourselves and living by the divine life […]
May we Live Christ to Magnify Him today by Expressing Him in His Unlimited Greatness
![For I know that for me this will turn out to salvation through your petition and [the] bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ. Phil. 1:19](https://i0.wp.com/agodman.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/For-I-know-that-for-me-this-will-turn-out-to-salvation-through-your-petition-and-the-bountiful-supply-of-the-Spirit.jpg?fit=300%2C169&ssl=1)
May we believers in Christ be those who live Christ to magnify Him today by expressing Him in His unlimited greatness! We need to be saved from the failure of not living Christ and from the defeat of not magnifying Christ; may we live a life in Christ’s ascendency, a life that is fully […]
Cooperate with the Putting to Death of Jesus and the Operation of the Indwelling Spirit

As believers in Christ, we need to cooperate with the putting to death of Jesus in our environment and with the operating indwelling Spirit so that our outer man may be put aside and the inner man would be renewed for the life of Jesus to be manifested in our mortal body. When we believed […]
Not Dwelling on our Past but Seeking to Gain Christ Today even in our Sufferings

May we be those who do not dwell on our past but seek to gain Christ today, even in our sufferings! There’s a great contrast between the way Job and Paul reacted to suffering; Job was perplexed and disturbed, even cursing the day of his birth, while Paul never complained but rather took the death […]
God Desires us to Live Christ for the Church as the One New Man: Lord, Live in us!

In a very experiential way, for us to be the one new man we need to live Christ; this is not a matter of practice but of our daily living – we need to daily live Christ for the church instead of our culture. This week in our morning revival we come to the matter […]
We write God’s Today’s history by being one with God in our Life, Living, and Doing

God’s history in man and with man continues today, and everything we do and say must be part of this history; we need to be one with God in His history, even writing God’s today’s history by being one with God in our living, daily walk, schooling, job, and business. We may read the Bible […]