Loving one another is a sign that we belong to Christ; may we abide in the Lord and love one another, bear fruit in the Body, learn to fellowship in oneness and one accord, and live in the church life of brotherly love by having “one another” meetings for the building up of the […]
Loving one another and Bearing Fruit Corporately in the Church Life of Brotherly Love
We need to lose our Soul-Life and Live a Life of Brotherly Love in the Church Life

The church life is a life of brotherly love; just as the Lord Jesus laid down His soul-life that we may have the divine life, so we need to lose our soul-life and deny the self to love the brothers and minister life to them in the practice of the Body life. Amen! In […]
Bear one another in Love, Hold to Truth in Love, and Walk in Love – God as our Love

Ephesians 4 reveals that we need to bear one another in love, hold to truth in love, and walk in love; this is to love the Lord in incorruptibility. The love with which we love the Lord and we love one another is not our natural love, our human love, but it is God […]
The Lord urgently needs the Overcomers who Live in the Reality of the Body of Christ

For us to be in the reality of the Body of Christ we need to be the overcomers in the churches – the Lord urgently needs the overcomers who live in the reality of the Body of Christ. What the Lord wants to gain today is the reality of the Body of Christ, for this […]
We Maintain the Oneness of the Spirit by Loving and Bearing one Another in the Church

To maintain the oneness of the Spirit in the church life, we need to live a life in love, consider one another, and cooperate with the Lord to care in love for the saints who may be in sin, so that they may be recovered and restored. As priests to God and as part of […]
Loving the Brothers is a Strong Evidence that we Passed out of Death into Life

It is so encouraging to prayerfully study and consider the Lord’s word to the church in Philadelphia, the church of brotherly love, for in such a church we are those loving the brothers! The word Philadelphia means brotherly love, having affection for a brother, a love that is characterized by delight and pleasure (2 Pet. […]
Church in Philadelphia depicts the Proper Church Life, the Church of Brotherly Love

This week we come to the Lord’s epistle to the church in Philadelphia, the church of brotherly love, the church in recovery – the recovered church. Just as the church in Sardis was the Lord’s reaction to the terrible situation in the church in Thyatira, so the church in Philadelphia was the Lord’s reaction to […]