In order to make ourselves ready for the Lord’s coming, we need to participate in Christ’s heavenly ministry to feed His lambs and shepherd His sheep in order to take care of God’s flock, the church as the Body of Christ; we need to shepherd people according to the Lord’s pattern. May we be […]
Shepherd People according to the Pattern of the Lord Jesus to Carry out God’s Economy
Our Shepherding in Mutuality according to God’s Heart builds up the Body of Christ

The Lord Jesus is the Shepherd according to the heart of God, and He wants to reproduce Himself in all His believers so that there would be a mutual shepherding among the saints; the shepherding that builds up the Body of Christ is a shepherding in mutuality. What does it mean for us to shepherd […]
Use the Lord’s Gift to Build up the Church by Giving others Food at the Proper Time

As the Lord’s faithful and prudent slaves today, we need to use the Lord’s gift to build up the church by giving others food at the proper time. This means we need to be those serving others with Christ and ministering Christ as grace to them out of love for the Lord and in oneness […]
Having the Lord’s Loving and Forgiving Heart and His Seeking and Shepherding Spirit

In learning to shepherd people according to God, we need to learn from the pattern of the Lord Jesus in His ministry, having the Father’s loving and forgiving heart and being filled with His seeking and shepherding spirit in caring for others. The Lord Jesus set up a pattern of how to shepherd the sheep, […]
Seeking to Recover the Dormant Saints and Abiding in the Lord to Bear much Fruit

The church is the increase of Christ, and the increase of Christ is by ministering life to others according to the law of increase. Everything in the church must be in the nature of life, with the content of life, and in the imparting of life; when we as the branches in the vine abide […]