As we advance in our loving relationship with the Lord, we are hoping to be raptured, leaning on our Beloved, realizing that we depend on the Lord and we depend on His word; we ask our Beloved to make haste to come and set up His sweet and beautiful kingdom which will fill the […]
Leaning on our Beloved, we are Hoping to be Raptured and pray, Come, Lord Jesus!
As believers and Lovers of Christ, we need to Seek the Counsel of Jehovah in all Things

As those who love the Lord and practice living in His presence daily, we realize that He is our Husband and we are His bride, His wife; as such, we should not forget our Husband but rather, seek the Lord’s counsel and check with Him concerning everything. This is an important lesson to learn, and […]
Becoming a Garden for Christ’s Private Enjoyment and as Terrible as an Army with Banners

As we progress in the divine romance, we as the lover of Christ become as beautiful as Tirzah, as lovely as Jerusalem, and as terrible as an army with banners (Song of Songs 6:4, 10). It seems that love and war are opposite, and it is true, but in the spiritual realm, if we love […]
The Way to Fulfill God’s Economy is by Christ as the Sevenfold Intensified Spirit

As believers in Christ we are all serving ones: we have been saved by Christ to serve God, and we need to serve God in an up-to-date way by knowing the age, by realizing the way Christ fulfills His economy, and by spreading the truths of His recovery for His coming back. We need to […]
Being Saved from the Love of Money and Riches by Loving God and Serving Him Only

Pure commerce is the most evil thing on earth, and it will be fully judged by God as it consummates in Babylon the Great. The commercial mind in us needs to be exposed and removed by the Lord’s shining, and our heart need to love the Lord supremely and without any expectation for something in […]
being a Christian student on the campus: Love the Lord and gain Him – there is no other way!
Given the insurmountable workload, the constant stress, and the many “attractions” that university life has to offer, it is easy to lose sight of the fact that we have been called out of the world and into Him – we have been called to be a lover of Christ. To this, I have many a times fallen victim. Yet, the Lord is gracious. If we only turn back to Him, He is faithful to be our daily moment-by-moment supply.
Christian Students on Campus – some blogs filled with the enjoyment and experience of Christ!
I have recently stumbled onto and discovered some dear saints online – especially students – who are in the USA. As students, they meet on the campus and enjoy Christ together as “Christian Students on Campus” wherever they are. Of course, you can find such pages with such people on facebook also, and there are […]