As believers in Christ, we believe into a God of glory, we are called by His glory and into His glory, and we need to have His daily appearing as the God of glory! Amen! This week we come to the topic of Glory and Glorification as Revealed in the Gospel of John. We need […]
We’re Created in God’s Image and Called by His Glory to Express God in His Glory
The Lord Jesus will Come as a Righteous Judge to award the Crown of Righteousness

In order for us to maintain the victorious standard of the church, we must be lovers of God; the Lord promised to give the crown of life and the inheritance of the kingdom to those who love Him, and we aspire to get the incorruptible crown as a prize at the end of our Christian […]
We Love the Lord’s Appearing to Enjoy Christ as our Kingdom Reward at His Coming

If we want to enjoy Christ as our kingdom reward, we must love the Lord and His appearing, being lovers of God in today’s age of the church’s decline; the Lord’s appearing is His manifestation to us today and His presence with His people at His second coming. Amen! This week we come to the […]
Holding to Truth in Love and Loving the Lord with all our Heart (2023 NACT)

There are two lines to this NACT training – “Love Prevails”, and “Holding to Truth in Love”. In the Bible, we can see that both truth and love are very closely related. Eph. 4:15 speaks of “holding to truth in love”, 1 Cor. 13:6 says that “(love) rejoices with the truth”, and 2 Thes. 2:10 says […]
Not being an Evil Slave who says, My Master Delays, but Loving the Lord and His Appearing

On one hand, we need to be a faithful and prudent slave who gives food at the proper time to those in God’s household; on the other hand, we need to not be an evil slave who thinks the Master delays so he beats his fellow slaves and eats and drinks with the drunken. […]
Making Ourselves Ready for the Secret Appearing of the Lord as the Morning Star

The Lord as the morning star will appear in the darkest part of the night to His overcoming believers who are watchful; we must make ourselves ready for the secret appearing of the Lord as the morning star. The Lord’s first coming took place many years ago, and many prophecies were fulfilled in His […]
We’re being Transformed to Love the Lord’s Appearing and not Love the Present Age

As believers in Christ who love the Lord’s appearing, we need to not be fashioned according to this age but be transformed by the renewing of the mind, and we should not love the present age but love the Lord and take sides with Him. May the Lord have mercy on us and show […]