As those who love the Lord and want to be a proper vessel for Him to fill and use, we need to pursue Christ as love, for love is the very nature of God’s essence and we can receive His dispensing to become the same as He is as love, and we need to pursue […]
Pursue Christ as Love and Peace to be Constituted with Him as Love and Live in Peace
We need to lose our Soul-Life and Live a Life of Brotherly Love in the Church Life

The church life is a life of brotherly love; just as the Lord Jesus laid down His soul-life that we may have the divine life, so we need to lose our soul-life and deny the self to love the brothers and minister life to them in the practice of the Body life. Amen! In […]
Love God and His Children with the Divine Love Enjoyed and Experienced by us

We need to be those who love God and His children with the divine love enjoyed and experienced by us in our daily life. The practice of the divine love is the outcome of our enjoyment of the Triune God in us; we should love God and love the brothers with God as our […]
Love must Prevail in the Church Life, not Ambition, Pride, or Reviling Words

Love must prevail in the church life; we need to keep ourselves in the love of God and be constrained by the love of Christ to lay down our lives on behalf of the brothers, and we must beware of ambition and pride. Among the co-workers, the elders, the responsible ones, and everyone in […]
We abide in the Father who Cares for us, and we Abide in God by having Faith and Love

The New Testament tells us to abide in Christ, in the Lord, in the Son of God, in the Father, and in God; to abide in the Father is to abide in the One who cares for us in every way, and to abide in God is to have the faith of the Son […]
Christ made Purification of Sins and Sat Down: Hallelujah, Redemption is Accomplished!

The Lord Jesus as the reality of the trespass offering has made purification of sins and sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high: all has been accomplished, He did it all, and we can just enjoy it and praise the Lord! Hallelujah! Our Christ as the reality of the trespass offering […]
Church in Philadelphia depicts the Proper Church Life, the Church of Brotherly Love

This week we come to the Lord’s epistle to the church in Philadelphia, the church of brotherly love, the church in recovery – the recovered church. Just as the church in Sardis was the Lord’s reaction to the terrible situation in the church in Thyatira, so the church in Philadelphia was the Lord’s reaction to […]