Today the Lord is recovering the matter of loving the Lord Jesus with the first love, the best love, and of loving one another for the building up of the church; we need to be one with the church-loving Christ and love the Lord to the uttermost by being constrained by His love. The […]
Love the Lord with the Best Love and Love one another for the Building up of the Body
Let us pray for the saints to follow the apostle Paul’s pattern in boasting in those gained, perfected, and built up through him

Dear saints, let us pray that the saints would follow the pattern of the apostle Paul, who boasted in those who had been gained, perfected, and built up through him (2 Thes. 1:3-4; Phil. 2:16-17; 2 Cor. 9:2; 1:14). In 2 Thessalonians 1:3 and 4 Paul says, “We ought to thank God always concerning you, […]
Interwoven Fellowship with God and the Saints in the Spirit to be Mingled with God

The one divine fellowship is an interwoven fellowship – the horizontal fellowship with the saints is interwoven with the vertical fellowship with God; this fellowship is everything in our Christian life. In the one Body of Christ, there is only one fellowship, one circulation of blood, which is the fellowship of the divine life, the […]
Spiritual Foot-Washing in Love is Necessary for Maintaining a Pleasant Fellowship

The reality of the laver of bronze is the Lord Jesus Christ: He is the One who can wash us from any earthly defilement, and He did wash His disciples feet in John 13. From John 3 to 12 the Lord Jesus presented Himself to the people as the reality of all the offerings: He […]
Being Diligent to Maintain and Keep the Oneness of the Spirit in All Lowliness

Today we are toward the end of the age of the church, and what the Lord is bringing into being is the one new man. In the church life we need to have some crucial experiences, and one of them is how to realize the church life in a practical way in the reality of […]
The Goal of Reigning in Life: Living a Life of the Highest Virtues for the Body Life

God’s desire is that all the believers regenerated by His life would be the same as He is, reigning in life. We can reign in life, on the one hand, by receiving the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness (Rom. 5:17, 21), and, on the other hand, by allowing the divine life […]
faith and love are two inseparable virtues of the believers in Christ, Titus 3:15
My words are not adequate, but I enjoyed Titus 3:15 all these past few months, especially by listening to it being sung, me singing it, singing it with the saints in a spontaneous way, and reading & enjoying the explanatory footnotes on this short verse. It is indeed true: the Word has so much in […]