We can live the Christian life and run the Christian race by looking away unto Jesus with undivided attention by turning away from every other object and thing that distracts us from Him; He is the Author, Originator, source, and cause of our faith! Hallelujah! On one hand, we need to realize that our […]
Run the Christian Race by Looking Away unto Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of Faith
Forget about your “Crippled Feet” and Enjoy the Riches of Christ on the Table with the Saints

May we be those who forget about our “crippled feet” and simply enjoy the riches of Christ on the table together with the saints! As believers in Christ, we have been called and qualified by God to be at His table enjoying His riches; we should not look at ourselves or self-introspect but look […]
Being Saved from a Heart of Unbelief by Looking away unto Jesus to be Infused with Faith

We need to be saved from an evil heart of unbelief and open to the Lord to be infused with Him as our faith, taking the word of God as our faith to care for God’s interests so that we may be able to possess the good land. Joshua was such a one – he […]
We Live a Life of Godliness by being Governed and Energized by the Heavenly Vision

Prov. 29:18a says, Where there is no vision, the people cast off restraint; we need to see the heavenly vision and be governed by it, even be controlled and directed by it, so that our life may be full of meaning and purpose. This week in our Crystallization-study of Proverbs we come to the topic […]
We need to Run with Endurance the Race set before us by Looking away unto Jesus

We need to run the race with endurance, looking away unto Jesus to be infused with all that He is and be enabled to run the heavenly race and live the heavenly life on earth! Amen! Our dear, wonderful, precious, all-inclusive Lord Jesus Christ is the immense magnet, drawing all people to Himself; as we […]