The last part of the journey ordained by God for each one is the most difficult part of the journey, for what matters is not only how we run but also how we end our course; we should not grow weary but run the race to the end. Amen! In 1 Cor. 10:1-13 we see […]
Pay the Price to Wholeheartedly Walk on the Journey Ordained by God for us to the End
Christ becomes our Faith as we Look unto Jesus and Let the Law of Life Operate in us

As we look unto Jesus and let the law of life operate in us, Christ becomes our faith and we simply believe, for Christ Himself believes in us, one with us. Though we are believers in Christ, in our natural being we do not have faith, but faith rises up in us when we look […]
Let us Look to the Wonderful Jesus to be Infused with Faith and not be Disapproved

We need to look to the wonderful Jesus who is enthroned in the heavens to be infused with faith, run the race with endurance, and not be disapproved. As believers in Christ running the Christian race with endurance, we want to run in such a way that we are not disapproved; therefore, we look away […]
Run the Race by Looking away unto Jesus, the Author, Leader, and Perfecter of Faith

As believers in Christ, we run the Christian race by looking away unto Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith; Jesus Christ is our focus in our running, for only by looking unto Jesus can we have faith infused into us to run the race with endurance. Amen! Our Christian life today is a […]
We’re Called into the Fellowship of Christ to Enjoy Him as our All-inclusive Portion

As believers in Christ, we have been called into the fellowship of Christ so that we may enjoy Him as our allotted portion given to us by God for our enjoyment; we need to focus on nothing else but enjoying the all-inclusive Christ in all that He is to us, and all our problems […]
Delivered from Introspection & the Self through Oneness with the Cross in Resurrection

Overcaring for our spiritual condition before God will cause us to fall into introspection; as lovers of Christ, we are called to be delivered from introspection and the self through our oneness with the cross of Christ. Amen! The best book in the Bible where we see a loving relationship between God and man, […]
Faith is Christ Infused into us to Believe for us and Enable us to Taste and Touch God

Faith is Christ infused into us to believe for us in a very subjective way; faith is a sixth sense, a substantiating ability by which we give substance to the things unseen or hoped for, and our spirit of faith is the organ by which we substantiate everything in the unseen spiritual world. Hallelujah, […]