The divine fellowship is the reality of living in the Body of Christ in the oneness of the Spirit; the divine fellowship blends us and restricts us, keeping us in the oneness of the Body of Christ. We need to realize that we all are members of the Body of Christ, and even as local […]
As we are Blended and Restricted in the Divine Fellowship, the Body is kept in Oneness
Living in the Fellowship of the Body of Christ is the Reality of Living in the Body

Since the Body of Christ is uniquely one universally, the fellowship of the Body of Christ is also uniquely one universally, for there is one circulation in the Body of Christ, which is the stream of the divine life. For us to live in the Body of Christ, God in His economy gave us one […]
The Body of Christ is the Intrinsic Significance and Organic Factor of the Church

The highest peak in God’s economy is the reality of the Body of Christ; the Body is the significance and the organic factor of the church, for without the Body the church is meaningless. This week we come to the matter of, Blending for the Reality of the Body of Christ, and today in particular […]
Preaching the Complete Gospel from Forgiveness of Sins to Living in the Body of Christ

Knowing merely that the gospel is the glad tidings saying that man has to repent and believe in Jesus to be saved from perdition – this is inadequate according to the standard set in the New Testament. The gospel as revealed in the New Testament is not a low or diluted gospel but it is […]
Being Diligent to Maintain and Keep the Oneness of the Spirit in All Lowliness

Today we are toward the end of the age of the church, and what the Lord is bringing into being is the one new man. In the church life we need to have some crucial experiences, and one of them is how to realize the church life in a practical way in the reality of […]
Learning Christ and being Kind and Tenderhearted to One Another for the Church Life

In the church life as a living in the Body of Christ we need to experience the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity and we need to arrive at the oneness of the faith and of the full knowledge of the Son of God by growing in life unto maturity. Furthermore, we need to beware […]
Discerning the Intrinsic Factor and Purpose of the Winds of Teaching in the Church

Praise the Lord for the church life as the corporate expression and manifestation of the Christ we enjoy, experience, and realize! For us to practice the church life as a living in the Body of Christ, the one new man, we need to experience the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity and remain under the […]