God desires to do many things today, and His heart is to save many people, rescue the back-slidden ones, carry out His economy, and accomplish His purpose. However, due to the lack of intercessors God is limited in what He can do. Today God is looking for intercessors, those who know God’s heart, are intimate […]
Five Basic Principles of Genuine Intercession Before God as Seen in Genesis 18
Lingering in God’s Presence to See what’s on His Heart and Responding by Interceding

What was the reason for which God came in a human form to visit Abraham, his friend? Was it merely to assure him that him and Sarah will have a son a year from then, at the time of life? After Abraham and his guests had something to eat and drink, he accompanied them on […]
In our Fellowship with God we See that Christ will be Brought forth and Sin is Judged

In Genesis 18 we see that God came in the form of a man to visit Abraham His friend, and they had a good time together. Abraham fed his guests, brought them into the tent in the shade, and took care of them. In their conversation we cannot see any trace of Abraham fearing God […]
Living in Intimate Fellowship with God Today to be the Friend of God as Abraham was

After passing through a long process, Abraham was prepared and qualified to be the friend of God, one who lives in intimate fellowship with God and one to whom God opens what is on His heart for him to intercede (see Gen. 18). God has something in heart to do and He needs a friend […]