Our experience of Christ is a mystery, for God, Christ, and the church are a mystery, so we ourselves are a mystery; our Christian living is a mystery, and it should be normal for us to magnify Christ, that is, express Him without limitation. We are now starting a new topic in our morning revival […]
Our Experience of Christ is a Mystery: we Magnify Christ to Express Him without Limitation
Forbearance is Christ: let the Christ whom we Live and Magnify be Known to all men

It is so wonderful to enjoy Christ as our peace offering, for Christ is our peace, and Christ is forbearance; forbearance is Christ, and for us today to live Christ is to live forbearance, which brings in peace. How do we have peace? We should not try to have peace the way people in the […]
The Best way to Shepherd People is to give them a Proper Pattern of Living Christ

The best way to shepherd people – as see in the New Testament – is to give them a proper pattern of living Christ and magnifying Him; Paul fed his spiritual children not only with the word of God but with his own living of Christ (see 1 Thes 2, 2 Cor. 1-2). Nowadays many […]
Seeing the Pattern of the Apostle Paul as one who Lived Christ for His Magnification

What we see in the book of Acts is not only a record of what the apostles and disciples did after the Lord left but the continuation of Christ, Jesus living again in the many members of His Body for His corporate expression. Today we are in “Acts chapter 29”, in one of the many […]
Putting on Christ as our Clothing by Living out Christ to Magnify Him in our Living

Before we can work for God as priests we need to take care of our living; Christ is everything to us for our living as priests. Christ is our food – He is the reality of all the offerings in a specific and detailed way, and He is the bread of the presence to nourish […]
imitating Christ and following the pattern of those who live Christ to magnify Him

The matter of imitating Christ or imitating those who follow Christ has been much spoiled throughout history, so much that many people don’t even recommend that anyone imitates a man – just follow Christ! But Paul gave himself as a pattern to the believers – he was a pattern of living Christ for His magnification […]