What is the reality of the Body of Christ? It is the corporate living of the perfected God-men who are united, joined, and constituted together with God by the mingling of humanity with divinity, and who live not by their life but by the divine life. We believers in Christ are very special persons; we […]
Reality of the Body is the Corporate Living of the Perfected God-men by the Divine Life
Learning to be Human Christians Living in a Jesusly Human Way by the Divine Life

The fact that the four living creatures in Ezek. 1 have the hands of a man under the wings of an eagle shows that we need to work and do things like a man, in a human way; Christian humanity refers not to our natural virtues but to Christ living in us as we live […]
Living the Life of a God-man According to the Lord’s Model by Living in the Spirit

The disciples of Christ who followed Him throughout His ministry on earth were discipled by Him through His living, words, and actions. Later, after the Lord died and resurrected, He returned to them as the life-giving Spirit and came into them by breathing Himself into them; now the Spirit of life guides all of Christ’s […]
Arriving at the Highest Peak in God’s Economy, the Reality of the Body of Christ

When we speak of a new revival, many believers yearn to have a spiritual revival and awakening, and their concept is that there has to be an emotional stir, an excitement, or something big, but what the Lord desires to gain and what we need today is the inward energizing and revitalisation as a result […]
Living in Resurrection by Living by the Divine Life within us for the Body of Christ

In order for us to be in the reality of the Body of Christ, we need to be absolutely in the resurrection life of Christ. What does it mean for us to be in the resurrection life of Christ? First of all, after Christ died and terminated all the negative things in the universe, in […]
Our Natural Disposition can be Useful to the Lord in a Renewed and Transformed Way

Jacob’s prophesying with blessing in Genesis 49 applies both to the twelve tribes of Israel (his twelve sons) and to our Christian experience today in the church. In his blessing of the first three sons we don’t see many positive things – Reuben lost the birthright and didn’t receive the blessing because he indulged in […]
Living the God-man Life by Denying our Natural Life and Living by the Divine Life

When we see that, as believers in Christ, we are God-men, we will realize that our living must be the living of a God-man, the same kind of living that the Lord Jesus had when He was on the earth. Even though the Lord Jesus was God incarnate, He didn’t live by His own life, […]