In order to reign in life, we need to be under the rulership of the Spirit, as we see with Joseph; the rulership of the Spirit is the reigning aspect of a mature saint, for it is a life of reigning in life for the reality of God’s kingdom. Amen! There are many aspects […]
Being those Reigning in Life by Living under the Rulership of the Spirit as Joseph Did
Enter through the Narrow Gate and Walk on the Constricted Way to do the Father’s will

In order for us, the kingdom people of the heavenly kingdom, to do the will of the Father, we need to enter in through the narrow gate and walk on the constricted way; doing the will of the Father makes us a relative of the Lord Jesus. We are on earth to do the will […]
Being Fully Reconciled to God causes us to be Enlarged in our Heart for the Church

Being fully reconciled to God causes us to be enlarged in our heart for the church, and how large our heart is depends on the degree of our reconciliation to God. We see this from the sequence in 2 Corinthians, where in ch. 5 Paul spoke of the ministry of reconciliation and his beseeching the […]
Christ Lived a Restricted Life for God’s Satisfaction – He is our Burnt Offering

The Lord Jesus is fully qualified to be the burnt offering, for, as John 7 and the entire Gospel of John reveals, He lived a restricted life, seeking the glory of God for God’s satisfaction. The burnt offering is the first offering mentioned in Leviticus because our main problem is not our sins but the […]