Even though man was created by God in His image and according to His likeness (Gen. 1:26), man cannot express God unless he receives the life of God – and this is the reason God put man in front of the tree of life (Gen. 2:9). Unless man receives God’s life and enjoys this life […]
God Doesn’t want a Good and Upright Man but a God-man filled with God to Express Him
Christian Life is not a Performance but the Living of a God-man Life as God’s Species

The goal of our Christian practice should be to live the life of a God-man, the duplication and continuation of the life the Lord Jesus lived while on the earth. Our practice shouldn’t merely be something that is “according to the Bible” but practice living the life of a God-man, that is, living a life […]
Living the Life of a God-man According to the Lord’s Model by Living in the Spirit

The disciples of Christ who followed Him throughout His ministry on earth were discipled by Him through His living, words, and actions. Later, after the Lord died and resurrected, He returned to them as the life-giving Spirit and came into them by breathing Himself into them; now the Spirit of life guides all of Christ’s […]
Being Discipled by the High Peak of the Divine Revelation to have a God-man Living

We don’t know exactly what are the transcendent revelations Paul spoke of in 2 Cor. 12:7, but these days we have been shown a high revelation of God’s economy, and we have clearly seen that God became man to make man God in life and nature but not in the Godhead. This is the highest […]
The Goal of the Mending Ministry is the Testimony of Jesus, the Golden Lampstands

The mending ministry of John, a mending ministry of life, is not a superficial fix here and there in our Christian life and work. Rather, it is a mending ministry that fixes us, completes us, adds to us, perfects us, attunes us, and makes us built-up members in the Body of Christ. The goal of […]
Living the God-man Life by Denying our Natural Life and Living by the Divine Life

When we see that, as believers in Christ, we are God-men, we will realize that our living must be the living of a God-man, the same kind of living that the Lord Jesus had when He was on the earth. Even though the Lord Jesus was God incarnate, He didn’t live by His own life, […]
We Need to Live the Life of a God-man for the New Man as the Corporate God-man

When we say that all genuine believers in Christ are God-men, we don’t say this in a presumptuous and reckless way – we simply state what the Bible says. The Bible clearly says that Christ is the first God-man – in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily, and He fully manifested God […]