We praise the Lord for the gospel, which is the power of God unto salvation for all those who believe. The gospel is not merely the story of Jesus who came to save us from our sins; the gospel the New Testament preaches is high, deep, and powerful, and it has a highest point. The […]
We need to See that we are God-men, Born of God, Possessing God’s Life and Nature
The Lord Jesus is the Prototype for the Producing of the many God-men, His Believers

It is really amazing to see how in Christ God and man have become one entity: He is the first God-man, One who is not just man but also God (He has the divine essence) and not only God but also man (He is a man). Jesus Christ was conceived in the womb of a […]
As God-men, we Believers in Christ should Live as Divine and Mystical Persons

The only way to enter the human kingdom, the realm of the human life, is through birth from human parents; the only way to see and enter into the kingdom of God is through regeneration, by being born of God. The kingdom of God is another realm: it is different from the human realm, and […]
God became Man to make Man God for us to have a God-man Living as the Body of Christ

God has an economy, a plan, a household arrangement, in which He intends to dispense all that He is in His Divine Trinity into His people who are chosen and redeemed, so that He can be their life and nature and they would be the same as He is for His corporate expression. God’s economy, […]
God’s Economy is God becoming Man and Man Becoming God to Build up the Body of Christ

In the divine revelation in the Bible there is a progression, from Genesis to Revelation. Our God is not a static God: He is always on the move, always doing something and moving. In Psa. 68 we see a good picture of the journey of the tabernacle, from the wilderness at Mount Sinai to Mount […]
Rejecting Self-Cultivation and Allowing Christ to Fill us and Live a God-man Life in us

As believers in Christ, the goal of our Christian practice and of our Christian living is to live the life of a God-man, the same kind of life that the Lord Jesus lived when He was on earth. Our practice shouldn’t be just something according to the Bible but the God-man living. Being a Christian […]
Being Torn Down in our Natural Man and Rebuilt with God to be a God-man Expressing Him

What God desires is not a good and upright man who fears God and abstains from evil but a God-man who is filled with God to express God by living out God’s life. Our concepts need to be changed and renewed according to the word of God so that we may realize and be conscious […]