To abide in the Lord we need to be one spirit with Him, that is, to abide in our mingled spirit and to walk according to our mingled spirit, for it is in our spirit that we can live the Christian life today. Amen! How can we abide in Christ and He abide in us? […]
To Abide in the Lord is to Abide in our Mingled Spirit and Walk in the Mingled Spirit
God wants us to be God-men who have a Mingled Living of a God-man by Abiding in Christ

When we as believers in Christ abide in Christ, we live the grafted life, and our living is a mingled living of a God-man, for Christ is our life and we are His living, He’s our content and we are His expression, and He lives in us as we express Him by abiding in […]
We Open to the Lord, Love Him, and Let Him Work in us to Live the God-man life in us

How wonderful it is when we open to the Lord, learn to love Him, and let Him work in us to live the God-man life in us daily! Our Christian life is not a life of doing things for the Lord but rather loving Him, opening to Him, allowing Him to work in us, and […]
Christ’s God-man Living Constituted Him as a Prototype to be Reproduced in us today

As the first God-man, Christ didn’t live by His natural life but by the Father’s life, He did the Father’s will, and He accomplished the Father’s work; Christ’s God-man living constituted Him as the prototype to be reproduced in us. If we read the Gospels we see not only the Lord’s incarnation and His work […]
Christ’s Incarnation and God-man Living Fulfilled God’s Intention in Creating Man

Christ’s incarnation and God-man living fulfilled God’s intention in creating man. God’s intention in His creation of man was fulfilled in Christ’s incarnation and His God-man living, for Christ expressed God in His rich attributes through His aromatic human virtues. Christ’s incarnation was for the fulfillment of God’s intention, and His human living also was […]
Living in the Reality of the Body by Walking according to the Mingled Spirit

For us to be in the reality of the Body of Christ is to live in the mingled spirit, for the reality of the Body of Christ is in the mingled spirit, and for to live in the reality of the Body is to walk according to the mingled spirit. Hallelujah for our mingled spirit! […]
The Reality of the Body is Living a God-man Life by a Group of Believers with Christ

The reality of the Body of Christ is the union and mingling of God and man to live out a corporate God-man; it is living a God-man life by a group of God-redeemed people together with the God-man Christ. The only life that satisfies God and is a delight to Him is the life that […]