The reality of the church today is the kingdom of God, and apart from the kingdom life, we cannot live the church life. We were once alienated from the life of God – we were alienated from God and His life, being outside of the kingdom of God. When we heard the gospel and believed […]
The Kingdom is the Reality of the Church; the Kingdom Life issues in the Church life
The Kingdom is the Reality of the Church: Live the Kingdom Life in the Church Life
The New Jerusalem as the holy city of God with man, the consummation of God’s work throughout the ages and the fulfilment of His purpose for eternity, should be our experience as a foretaste today in the church life. The New Jerusalem is a city – the centre of the kingdom of God, the place […]
In our Daily Living We Need to Consider the One New Man – All the Local Churches!
There is only one Body of Christ in this universe, and all the local churches are the local representations of the Body of Christ, as the Lord has ordained. In the same way, there is only one new man on the earth, and all the churches are part of the one new man. Christ created […]
A Picture of the Wonderful Church Life of the Saints, the Covenanted People of God
The church life as a mysterious God-man living of the resurrected people is seen in a seed form in Genesis 8 after Noah and his family got out of the ark, and is also seen in picture in the gospel of John. In chapters 2 and 12 we see that in the church life Christ […]
As Resurrected People, We Now Live the Church Life Through Death and Resurrection
The living of Noah and his family after they came out of the ark was a seed of the church life. The first thing that Noah did was to set up an altar and to offer sacrifices to God (see Gen. 8:20). The first thing we do when we come into the church life is […]
being anointed and graced as we remain the church life on the ground of oneness
The oneness which the believers have in the Body of Christ is not a man-made oneness and is not produced by adding the believers together for a common purpose. Rather, the oneness the believers have in the Body is the processed Triune God as the Spirit applied to their being. Such a oneness is organic […]
just come to the meetings and praise the Lord: He loads you with good and the enemy is defeated!
This is a secret we all discover as we go on with the Lord in the proper church life – all we need to do is come to the church meetings and praise the Lord! Satan bothers us, situations may be overwhelming, people may have problems with us, we may have a lot of things we didn’t do quite right, or there’s a lot of accusations inside… whatever happens, don’t miss the meeting of the church!