In order for us to be one in soul, we need to be one with Christ in His emotions, His inward parts; we need to put on the inward parts of Christ, His inward affection, tender mercy, and sympathy. To be one in soul, first we need to think the one thing; our mind […]
Being One in soul by Being one with Christ in His Inward Parts for the Body of Christ
We Abide in the Triune God by Heeding the Teaching of the Anointing of the Triune God

We abide in the Triune God by means of the linking Spirit and according to the teaching of the anointing of the Triune God; the anointing is in us and teaches us everything, unveiling the Triune God to us, and leads us to abide in God. Hallelujah! The practical way for us to abide […]
We need to Live the Body Life and Keep every Principle of the Body in the Church Life

If we cannot pass the test of the Body life, our spirituality is not genuine, for the Body life is the greatest test of our spirituality, and we as members of the Body need to live in the Body and keep every principle of the Body. As those living in the church age, we need […]
Praying over, Experiencing, and Carrying out our Divine Commission (Acts 26:18)

As those who live in Acts chapter 29 (the continuation of the book of Acts), we need to realize that we have been commissioned by the Lord to be His witnesses and ministers, those who open people’s eyes, turn them from darkness to light and from the authority of Satan to God, that they may […]
Taking Christ as Life and Living the Body Life for God to Gain a Shining Testimony

The book of Acts speaks of the propagation of the resurrected Christ in His ascension, by the Spirit, through the disciples, for the producing of the churches – the kingdom of God, which are the Body of Christ, the corporate vessel of God on earth. The book of Acts is unique in that it is […]
The Goal of Reigning in Life: Living a Life of the Highest Virtues for the Body Life

God’s desire is that all the believers regenerated by His life would be the same as He is, reigning in life. We can reign in life, on the one hand, by receiving the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness (Rom. 5:17, 21), and, on the other hand, by allowing the divine life […]
some enjoyment from “The Humanity of Jesus(2)” podcast on
Did you listen to this past podcast, no #15 (it’s not the last one, but a previous one) about “The Humanity of Jesus (2)” – When people contact us, they should touch a “blue cord” sewn into the fringe of our “garment”; that is, they should touch a living that is under the heavenly rule. For […]