The Bible reveals that Christ has become the pneumatic Christ, Christ as the life-giving Spirit, to be a realm in which we can live, move, and do all things; everything we need to live the Christian life is in the divine and mystical realm of the consummated Spirit and the pneumatic Christ. Wow, Hallelujah! We […]
God is Everything to us in the Divine and Mystical Realm of the Consummated Spirit
Being Sanctified unto Sonship by Living in, by, with, and according to the Spirit

Today we are being sanctified unto sonship by living in, by, and according to the Spirit. Our becoming God in life and in nature but not in the Godhead was initiated by God the Father in eternity past: He chose us to be holy and predestinated us unto sonship; the divine sanctification for the […]
Christ’s Humanity bears the Aroma of His Resurrection – He lived a Crucified Life

The humanity of Christ bears the aroma of His resurrection, for He lived a crucified life to express God. Christ’s Spirit-filled and resurrection-saturated living was a satisfying fragrance to God, and Christ always lived a life under the cross, being “seasoned with salt” for man and God to enjoy and be supplied. May we […]
In Spiritual Warfare we Stand in Ascension and Use not Fleshly but Spiritual Weapons

In order for us to fight the spiritual warfare, we need to know and apply the principles of spiritual warfare: we cannot use fleshly weapons, keep the position of ascension, use spiritual weapons, and have fighting prayers, the prayers of spiritual warfare. In order for us to build up the church as the Body […]
We need to lose our Soul-Life and Live a Life of Brotherly Love in the Church Life

The church life is a life of brotherly love; just as the Lord Jesus laid down His soul-life that we may have the divine life, so we need to lose our soul-life and deny the self to love the brothers and minister life to them in the practice of the Body life. Amen! In […]
We need to Live in the Spirit of Resurrection in our Spirit to Build up the Church

David received the blueprint of the temple and prepared the materials and ground for the building, while Solomon built the temple, we need to not only know the blueprint of God’s house but also experience the Spirit of resurrection (signified by Solomon) to build the house of God. Amen! David and Solomon typify Christ […]
Paying Attention to the Mingled Spirit and Living and Walking According to the Spirit

In the Lord’s recovery today we need to pay our full attention to the mingled spirit, the Spirit mingled with our spirit, and we should live, act, and have our being in the spirit so that we can truly reign in life and build up the church as the Body of Christ consummating in […]