The genuine church is the kingdom of God in this age, and we believers live the kingdom life in the church; only when we live and walk according to the spirit do we live in the reality of the kingdom to be the church. Amen! The Lord Jesus preached the gospel of the kingdom, and […]
We Believers Live the Kingdom Life in the Church by Living in the Mingled Spirit
We have a Standing in God and in the Body of Christ by Living in our Spirit today

As believers in Christ, we all have a place in God and a place in the Body of Christ, and now we should live in the place prepared for us through the death and resurrection of Christ; we have a standing in God and in the Body of Christ, and we are in God and […]
We Abide in the Lord and let His Words abide in us to Know and Pray God’s Desire

When we abide in the Lord and His words abide in us, we will know His heart’s desire, and we will pray one with the Lord, uttering the prayers that He desires us to utter, for He prays in us; when we abide in Christ and Christ abides in us, we can have the church […]
To Abide in the Lord is to Abide in our Mingled Spirit and Walk in the Mingled Spirit

To abide in the Lord we need to be one spirit with Him, that is, to abide in our mingled spirit and to walk according to our mingled spirit, for it is in our spirit that we can live the Christian life today. Amen! How can we abide in Christ and He abide in us? […]
To Abide in the Lord is to be One Spirit with Him and Live in the Mingled Spirit

To abide in the Lord is to be one spirit with Him; the focus of God’s economy is the mingled spirit – the divine Spirit mingled with our human spirit; we need to be one spirit with the Lord and live in our mingled spirit so that we may abide in the Lord all the […]
Live a Grafted Life by Living in our Spirit, One Life and One Living with the Lord

As believers in Christ, we were grafted into Christ, and we need to live a grafted life, a life in which we and Christ are joined to grow organically; we have one life and one living with the Lord, for He lives in us and we live Him out. Amen! What a wonderful change in […]
Live in Spirit by Praying Continually to have our Spirit as our Central Government

The strategic and central point of God’s economy is the Divine Spirit dwelling in our human spirit and the two mingled together as one spirit; our spirit should be the central government and most prominent part of our being, and we can live in our spirit by having a continual prayer, watching and praying to […]