The book of Jeremiah shows us the secret of Israel’s failures and defeats – they lost the Lord’s presence and were no longer one with God; we should always be one with our God, who is not only among us but also in us, making us men with God – God-men! Amen! For us to […]
Not Sinning against God by not being One with Him but Living in the Lord’s Presence
Christ is the Treasure in our Earthen Vessel: we’re Vessels of Mercy unto Glory!

As believers in Christ, we were created to be vessels of mercy unto honor to contain Christ as the God of glory; in our earthen vessel we have a priceless treasure, Christ Himself, and we’re being transformed into His image from glory to glory. Hallelujah! On one hand we need to realize God’s sovereignty and […]
God’s People need to Match God in order to be Qualified to Inherit the Good Land

The book of Deuteronomy speaks of the kind of person who is qualified to inherit the good land; we need to match God in what He is, that is, the inheritors need to match the Giver of the inheritance! This week in our morning revival we come to the topic of, Becoming Qualified to Inherit […]
Knowing the Scriptures and having the Lord’s Living Guidance in Fellowship with Him

For us to find and enjoy Christ, we need to have both the scriptural knowledge and the leading of the living star, that is, we need to live in an intimate relationship with the Lord and have His living guidance. In Num. 24:17 Moses prophesied that a Star will come forth out of Jacob; this […]
Live by the Sense of Life to be under God’s Rule and let Him Shine and Flow through us

In God’s plan of recovery, we as men need to retrace our steps from human rule to God’s rule, passing through self-rule in-between; the goal of dealing with our conscience is to be brought back under God’s rule and live in the presence of God. We all are learners; we learn to experience Christ, enjoy […]
Advancing in our Fellowship with the Lord to be a Companion of God knowing His Heart

Moses was the companion of God, for the Lord spoke to Moses face to face; he was intimate with God, being a person who knew God’s heart and having God’s presence to a full extent. We need to advance in our spiritual life by coming to the Lord as we are and from wherever we […]
Having a Cloud of Witnesses Surrounding us, let us Run the Race to Win the Prize!

As believers in Christ, we are on the way – which is Christ, and we are running the race with endurance, being surrounded by a cloud of witnesses who encourage us in our Christian life. Hallelujah! Therefore we should put away every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and run with endurance […]