Today the Lord needs some who do not waste the opportunities He puts before them but are seizing the opportunities to do God’s will, thus redeeming the time and being the dispensational instrument He desires to gain to turn the age. We need to redeem the time, for the days are evil; to redeem the […]
Sensing and Seizing the Opportunities to Serve God, do His Will, and Prepare the Bride
We’re Being made Christ for the Body of Christ to Live Christ and Express Him Together

The purpose of us believers being members one of another in the Body is that we would live Christ express Him together, and for this to happen, we must be made Christ for the Body of Christ. Hallelujah for the Body of Christ, the continuation and extension of Christ on the earth today! Christ is […]
Learning to Administrate and Serve in the Church by Seeing how God Builds the Church

In order for us to know how to administrate and serve in the church as the Body of Christ, we need to be clear concerning the church being the one new man produced by Christ on the cross and the Body of Christ being one yet having many members. Before we can do anything practically […]
Taking the Shepherding Way and Humbling Ourselves to Serve the Saints and Visit them

We all need to learn to take the shepherding way to preach the gospel and revive the church, being willing to be the slaves of the saints by being one with the Lord who is the Shepherd in our spirit. Our Lord Jesus is the great Shepherd. He came as the good Shepherd to lay […]
Forbearance is Christ: let the Christ whom we Live and Magnify be Known to all men

It is so wonderful to enjoy Christ as our peace offering, for Christ is our peace, and Christ is forbearance; forbearance is Christ, and for us today to live Christ is to live forbearance, which brings in peace. How do we have peace? We should not try to have peace the way people in the […]
Keeping the Law not by our own Efforts but by being Infused with God to Live Christ

Many Christians regard the law – the Ten Commandments – as “the Christian code of conduct”, something that as Christians we should adhere to and make sure we keep. Most unbelievers think that God wants us to “obey the law given by Him, or else…” However, if we read Exodus 19-20 we see that the […]
To Shepherd according to God is to Minister the Processed God Constituted into us

To shepherd according to God (1 Pet. 5:2) requires that we become one with God, we are constituted with God, we live God, we represent God, and we minister God. We can shepherd according to God only by becoming the same as He is in life, nature, expression, and function. First, we need to be […]