The overcoming believers will be rewarded in the coming kingdom with feasting with the Old Testament believers, inheriting eternal life to have a fuller enjoyment of the divine life, entering into the Lord’s joy and saving their soul, and will reign with Christ and rule over the nations. May we aspire to be the Lord’s […]
Overcoming Believers will Reign with Christ and Enter the Lord’s joy in the Kingdom
Being Filled and Saturated with Christ to Live Christ and be Full-Grown in Christ

If we believers in Christ see the vision of the all-inclusiveness and extensiveness of Christ, we will concentrate our whole being on this Christ, and He will fill and saturate us until to us to live is Christ; for us to be full-grown in Christ is to be filled and saturated with Christ. Amen! This […]
The Righteousness of the Bride: Christ as our Subjective Righteousness Lived out of us
![And it was given to her that she should be clothed in fine linen, bright [and] clean; for the fine linen is the righteousnesses of the saints. Rev. 19:8](
For the joy set before us, which is the Lord Jesus as our dear Bridegroom coming for His bride, we are today preparing to be the bride of Christ; there is the need for the righteousness of the bride, that is, the wedding garment that the bride wears for the wedding feast, which is […]
As People of Faith, Be Filled in Spirit today and Beware of an Evil Heart of Unbelief

As people of faith, we need to be filled in spirit today and beware of an evil heart of unbelief. May we beware lest perhaps there be in any one of us an evil heart of unbelief in falling away from the living God; may we realize we only have today, so we need […]