The Lord Jesus said in Matt. 5:48 that we should be perfected even as our heavenly Father is perfect; we need to let this word expose our utter inability to be perfect and turn to our spirit to live by the divine life of our Father so that we may be perfect and fulfil […]
Walking in Spirit to Live by the Divine Life to be Perfect as our Heavenly Father
We are Kings in God’s Economy Reigning in Life by Enjoying the Abundance of Grace

The history of the kings of Israel is related to God’s eternal economy concerning Christ and the church; we as believers in Christ are to be kings reigning in life by enjoying the abundance of grace and by having the top enjoyment of Christ. The Old Testament is a book of pictures, figurative pictures […]
When we are Mistreated because of a Consciousness of God, we have Grace with God

As we enjoy God as grace, He becomes our inward motivation and outward expression in our intimate fellowship with God and our consciousness of God, and we have grace with God, for even when we suffer unjustly, grace is expressed through us. Amen! Grace is not only the Triune God being processed and consummated […]
Live a Human Life in Resurrection to have the Presence of the Triune God and Magnify Christ

We need to live a human life in resurrection so that we may have the presence of the Triune God and magnify Christ. As believers in Christ and disciples of Jesus, we need to live the same kind of life that He lived, a life of denying ourselves and living by the divine life […]
Be Faithful to Live for God’s Administration by Christ’s Resurrection Life in Handling Money

The way we handle money and care for material things shows whether we live for God’s administration; we all need to be faithful to live for God’s administration in resurrection and by the power of resurrection so that we may be saved from the usurpation of mammon and material riches. The Bible clearly shows […]
We know that We have Passed out of Death into Life because we Love the Brothers

Praise the Lord, through faith in Christ and by loving the brothers we have passed out of death and into life, and we enjoy the sweet flow of life to minister life for the building up of the Body of Christ. Amen! Satan attacks the church mainly by bringing in death; however, the church is […]
We need to Live by the Sense of Life and be Victorious over Satan’s Attack of Death

We need to live by the sense of life – the consciousness and feeling of the divine life within us – and be victorious over the attack of death upon the church, building up the Body of Christ in the resurrection life of Christ and rejecting any death. Amen! Today we all have a choice: […]