We need to take Christ as our person in making decisions so that our living may be the living of the new man; when Christ becomes our person in our daily living, we live the genuine church life. The Lord Jesus is not only our Savior and Redeemer; He is also our life and […]
Take Christ as our Person in Making Decisions to have the Living of the New Man
To Labor on Christ is to Exercise our Spirit in our daily life to Experience Christ

We labor on Christ by exercising our spirit to contact the Lord and being one with Him in every situation; the way to labor on Christ is to exercise our spirit to experience Christ in all situations and circumstances so that we gain more of Christ day by day. When we thus labor on Christ […]
Enjoying the Riches of Christ to become the Fullness of Christ to Express Christ

The church as the Body of Christ is the fullness of Christ, His expression; Christ is great and without any limitation, and He needs a universal Body to express Him – this is the church, the fullness of Christ, for His expression. For the church to become such an entity, all the believers in Christ […]
Shifting from the Old Person to the New Person in our Spirit to Live for the New Man

For the practical existence of the one new man, the total person of the old man must be put away, and we must live by our new person; we need to have an inward shifting from the old person to the new person. What God cares is not that we improve our behavior or do […]
We live in the Divine History as we Live by the Divine Life for the Body of Christ

The book of Acts reveals a group of people who live in the divine history within human history by living, moving, and acting as one Body, the Body of Christ, and by rejecting themselves to live by another life, the divine life. Outwardly, what we see in Acts is the life and work of the […]
We need to Live in our Spirit by Denying Ourselves and Taking Christ as our Person

If we realise that Christ is our person in our inner man, we will be those taking Christ as our person to live in our spirit in and for the church life today. When we believed into the Lord Jesus and received Him as our Lord and Savior, He came into us not only as […]
The Church will Match Christ as Bone of His Bones for their Eternal Married Life

Only those who are regenerated by Christ and who live by Christ as the church can match Christ and complement Him; when Christ sees this, He will surely say that this time this is bone of His bones and flesh of His flesh. Adam and Eve are a rich type of Christ and the church; […]