We all need to humble ourselves and realise that in our daily living there is not much living of Christ, for even though we have Christ in our spirit, we are not living Christ habitually in our daily life. We may love the Lord, read and pray over His word, meet with the saints, and […]
Living Christ Habitually by Letting Him Live in us and having One Living with Him
We need to Eat Christ as our Meal Offering for Him to Live again on Earth through us

After seeing what the meal offering is, we need to eat Christ as our meal offering to become the reproduction of Christ for the fulfillment of God’s purpose. T he meal offering is nothing else but the God-man living of the Lord Jesus as revealed in the four Gospels, and as we eat Christ as […]
Overcoming to eat Christ as the Hidden Manna to be Incorporated into New Jerusalem

To each of the seven churches He writes to in Rev. 2-3 the Lord promises a particular kind of reward for the overcomers; to those in Pergamos, who overcome the degradation in the worldly church holding the teaching of Balaam and of the Nicolaitans, the Lord promises to give them of the hidden manna and […]
Eating Christ as the Bread of God’s Presence, God’s Face, to Serve God as Priests

All believers are priests to God, and it is our responsibility as priests to both set up and enjoy the bread of the presence before God. As priests to God and members of the Body of Christ, we need to be built up together with the saints, and in this built-up situation in the church […]
Eating, Digesting, and Assimilating Christ into our Being to Live because of Him

In John 6 the Lord Jesus showed us how He is the bread of life, and just as He lives because of the Father so we who eat Him as the bread of life shall live because of Him (John 6:57-58). In order for us to live Christ and express God from within, we need […]
The Self is the Soul Declaring its Independence from God and from the Body of Christ

By the Lord’s mercy we need to have the vision of the self, the greatest hindrance to seeing and entering into the reality of the heavenly vision. In relation to ourselves, the self is the soul life expressing its thoughts and opinions. In relation to Satan, the self is the embodiment of Satan, the thought […]
Seeing the Pattern of the Lord Jesus as a Man of Prayer in the Gospels
![Seeing the Pattern of the Lord Jesus as a Man of Prayer in the Gospels [in the picture: Matt. 6:46-47, Christ was a Man of Prayer]](https://i0.wp.com/agodman.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/matt6-46-47-christ-was-a-man-of-prayer.jpg?fit=300%2C284&ssl=1)
For God to accomplish His will, He needs a people on the earth that would pray His will for Him to do it. God doesn’t need only “prayers once in a while, when we remember or when we are reminded by others” – God needs men of prayer. With Daniel as a man of prayer […]