As believers in Christ who love the Lord and pursue Him, we need to run the Christian race according to the Father’s nature to do the Father’s will, being constricted in our running to only do the will of our heavenly Father and not focus on doing a great work for Him. This week we […]
Learn from Jesus to Walk according to the Father’s Nature to do the Father’s Will
We Partake of the Divine Nature by Exercising our Spirit in Fellowship with the Lord

For us to live out and work out the New Jerusalem to build up Zion as the reality of the Body of Christ, we must partake of God the Father in His divine nature, as typified by the gold as the base of the holy city (2 Pet. 1:4; Rev. 21:21b). Whatever is ascribed to […]
Being Renewed Day-by-Day and Being Constituted with Christ for the NEW Jerusalem

Every believer in Christ is “a little New Jerusalem” and every local church should be “a miniature of the New Jerusalem”. Our life and work as believers today should be to work out and live out the New Jerusalem, since this holy city is what God desires to obtain and works throughout the ages to […]
A Built-Up Church has the Mingling of God and Man and the Divine Nature (nothing natural)

The more you read the Bible from the beginning to the end, having God’s economy glasses on and being open to the Lord to unveil you and speak to you concerning His purpose, the more you realize: wow, the whole Bible speaks of only one thing! God desires to get a building, a mingling with […]
becoming genuine parts of the New Jerusalem by walking according to the golden divine nature in us

Before we were saved, we were “our own ruler”, and we did our best to live our life as we saw it fit or as we wanted to. But when we met the Lord Jesus, He as the King came into us with the divine kingdom! When we were under our own rule, we were […]