We Commit All Things to God who Judges Righteously and are Holy in our Manner of Life

When the Lord Jesus was on earth, He lived a human life that was absolutely under the government of God, and He committed everything related to Him to God’s government. He now lives in us, and we today should live a Christian life under the government of God, passing our days in fear and living […]

We Believers are under God’s Disciplinary Judgment Daily to Partake of His Holiness

Our God and Father is holy, He has regenerated us to produce a holy family, and we as His holy children should walk in a holy manner of life; therefore, we are under God’s disciplinary judgment daily so that all our holiness may be removed. Amen! God created the universe in a perfect way, and […]

We need to Pray in Every Place Lifting Holy Hands without Wrath and Reasoning

 As believers in Christ, we need to have a prayer life for the church life, and we need to pray in every place, lifting up holy hands, without wrath or reasoning; our prayer needs to be backed up by our living without arguing, reasoning, contention, and anger. Amen! Instead of talking so much, we […]

Enjoy the Divine Nature to be Filled with God as Love and Live a life of Holiness

 We need to be those who enjoy the divine nature to be filled with God as love and live a life of holiness in the church life for God’s expression today. The divine love, agape, is the ultimate development of the divine nature, and holiness is the manner of life that partakes of the […]

Having Discernment in our Contact with people and not being Defiled by the World

 As believers in Christ who live a holy life matching our holy nature and pleasing our holy God, we need to be careful who we associate with, for our contacting people is a kind of eating, a kind of taking in something for our nourishment. Especially in this age today, many people take darkness […]

We need the Lord to Establish our Heart Blameless in Holiness to live a Holy Life

In order for us to live a holy life for the church life, we need the Lord to establish our heart blameless in holiness; our heart is “the switch of life”, so it needs to be renewed, purified, and established by the Lord. Amen! A very simple yet effective way for us to be sanctified […]

The Divine Dispensing is the Base for our Living a Holy Life for the Church Life

As believers in Christ we are the holy people of a holy God, and we need to enjoy the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity as the base for living a holy life for the church life. Leviticus 18-20 speaks of the holy living of God’s holy people and corresponds to Eph. 4:17 – 5:14, […]