As those regenerated by the Lord with His divine life, we believers in Christ have a sense of life, the feeling of the divine life in us, which is both the feeling of death and the feeling of life; may we be saved from being past feeling and live according to the consciousness of the […]
Not being Past Feeling but Living by the Sense of Life and Death in our Spirit
Exercise our Spirit to have a Spirit of Power and of Love and of Sobermindedness

For us to exercise our spirit, we must deal with the parts of our soul surrounding our spirit so that we may have a spirit of power and of love and of sobermindedness, and we need to rejoice in the Lord and set our mind on the spirit to enjoy life and peace. Hallelujah for […]
knowing the pathway of life: death is the way for God’s life to be released

The Christian life is a life and a living on the pathway of life; as Christians and as followers of the Lord Jesus we need to enter through the narrow gate and walk on the constricted way which leads to life (see Matt. 7:13-14). What is this pathway of life? We have the divine life […]
dealing with our rebellion and our natural capability through the cross

Becoming a Christian is not an end in itself, rather, it is a beginning of a new life which is not according to our concept or our human disposition. This new life is all about taking care of the living Christ within us by turning to Him, fellowshipping with Him, and doing everything in oneness […]
our life relationship with God can never be broken, but our fellowship with Him can be interrupted…

Once you’re born of someone, you cannot be unborn; once you’re born of God with the divine life and nature, whatever you do, you cannot be un-born! Our life-relationship with God cannot be broken – we are and will always be His children in life and nature, partaking of all that He is! Our life […]
The results of the fellowship of life: we enjoy God, we walk in the light, and we bear much fruit for God!
The fellowship of life is something so precious and so vital – it is the flow of the divine life in us and among us. When we have the fellowship of life, we are enlightened by the Lord’s light to see our sins and then we confess them to God – and His blood cleanses […]
the fellowship of life is simply the continual flowing of the divine life within us

Hallelujah, as believers in Christ, we are regenerated with the divine life! This morning I was encouraged to see that once we receive this divine life, we not only become sons of God / God-men, but we also have this life flowing in us! The divine life is a flowing life, a life that has “fellowship”, […]