Christ should have preeminence in our tripartite being and in our spiritual experiences; He as the all-inclusive, extensive One needs to have preeminence in our being in all things. He came into us to be our life, and He is infusing Himself into us to be the very loving essence with which we love Him. […]
Christ should have Preeminence in our Tripartite Being and in our Spiritual Experiences
Christ should have the Preeminence in our Personal Universe: give Him the First Place!

According to God, Christ occupies the first place in both the old creation and the new creation; Christ should have the preeminence in our personal universe, and we should give Him the first place in all things. What a wonderful, all-inclusive, extensive Christ we have! He is preeminent in everything; even in the Godhead, the […]
Taking time to Absorb Christ as the Rich Soil, the Living land, in whom we’re Rooted

Christ is the good land, we have been rooted in Him, and we can walk in Christ as our living land and take time to absorb Christ as our rich soil so that we may grow with the elements we absorb from the soil (Col. 2:6-7). Hallelujah, as believers in Christ we have been rooted […]
Being in the Light to Enjoy Christ as the Good Land flowing with Milk and Honey

The purpose of God’s calling is to bring His chosen people into the enjoyment of the all-inclusive, extensive Christ, typified by the good land flowing with milk and honey; Christ is our allotted portion in the light. All the riches of the good land typify the unsearchable riches of Christ in different aspects as the […]
Seeing a Practical Illustration of the Revelation of the One New Man on Earth

After presenting a revelation of the one new man created by Christ on the cross in Col. 3, in 4:7-17 we see a practical illustration of the revelation of the one new man and of the consciousness of the one new man. This week in our morning revival we come to the topic of, Practicing […]
How we can Participate in the Stewardship of God being Conscious of the One New Man

Both those who bear responsibility in the churches and all the saints need to participate in the stewardship of God, for we all need to be faithful stewards in God’s economy being conscious of the one new man. On God’s side, He has an economy, which is to dispense Himself into man; on our side, […]
Being the Stewards who are Able to Complete the Word of God and Dispense God into Man

Paul’s stewardship was to complete the word of God in order to dispense Christ with all His riches into the churches; today there’s still the need for stewards who are able to complete the word of God. On one hand Paul the Apostle completed the word of God, and he in particular had a portion […]