The water in the good land flows forth in valleys and in mountains, which indicates that Christ as living water flows in different environments; as we are under the killing of the cross in the environments sovereignly arranged by God, we can live the resurrection life and be filled with life, drink Christ as […]
Christ as Living Water Flows as we Live a Crucified Life to Manifest the Resurrection Life
Experience the Death of Jesus for His Life to be Manifested and the Body to be Supplied

We minister life by dying, for when death operates in us, life operates in others (2 Cor. 4:12); our need is to stay in the death of Jesus so that His life may be manifested in us and the Body of Christ would be supplied with life. This is something very wonderful that takes place […]
We Bear God’s Testimony as we Stand in the Place of Death for others to Receive Life

The Lord is seeking a group of people who, like the priests in Joshua 3 and 4, are willing to step into the water of Jordan, that is, walk into death first, being willing to be dealt with by the cross first, standing in the place of death so that the church will find the […]
so then death operates in us, but life in you – ministering life by dying

The Apostle Paul said in 2 Cor. 4:12, So then death operates in us, but life in you. Just like the apostles, we also need to minister life to others by dying. In order for life to work and operate in the saints, some need to allow death to operate in them. This is the […]