For us to let the word of Christ dwell in us richly is pray-reading the word, sing-reading the word, psalming the word, singing the word, and doing all these by opening our being to the Lord and humbling ourselves to have His fresh and instant speaking in His living word. Thank the Lord for […]
Singing and Psalming the Word with the Exercise of our Spirit to Enjoy the Living Word
We need to be Constituted with the Truth by being Trained in the Divine Revelation

In order for us to be priestly teachers like Ezra, we need to be constituted with the truth, that is, have the truth wrought into us to become our organic constitution; we need to be trained in the divine revelation and learn to speak the truth for the perfecting of the saints and the […]
There should be No Differences among the Believers and the Churches in the One New Man

Praise the Lord, in the new man there are no cultural distinctions between members, there should be no differences among the believers or among the churches, for Christ is all and in all as the unique constituent of the one new man! Amen! One of the most hidden problems and hindrances to our enjoyment of […]
See a Vision of the All-inclusive, Extensive Christ and Enjoy Him for the One New Man

We need a clear vision of the all-inclusive, extensive Christ being everything to us; such a vision will terminate the influence of culture on the experience of Christ and on the church life, for we will focus on enjoying Christ, taking Christ as our life, and living Christ, instead of living by our culture. We […]
Allowing the Word of Christ to Dwell in us and Mingling it with Prayer to Live Christ

We need to allow the word of Christ to dwell in us and mingle this word with our prayer so that we may live Christ. For us to let the word of Christ dwell in us richly means that we need to give the Word the first place in our being, allowing the Lord as […]
Let the Word of Christ dwell in us Richly for Christ as the Spirit to be our Life

Today God speaks in Christ, the Son of God, and Christ is embodied in His Word; we need to have the Lord’s speaking every day and let the word of Christ dwell in us richly, allowing Him to make His home and be rooted deeply in all the inward parts of our being. Amen! In […]
Prevailing Prayers are the Result of Abiding in the Lord and His Words abiding in us

All prevailing prayers – the prayers that can be counted effective before God – are the result of our abiding in the Lord and allowing His words to abide in us; in this way, His desire becomes our desire, and we will pray what He desires for Him to do what He wants to do. […]