We need to stay under the ruling of the enthroned peace of Christ and minister life to others, by the Lord’s grace. If we allow the peace of Christ to arbitrated in our hearts, this peace will settle all the disputes among us, and we will have peace both with God vertically and with […]
Stay under the Ruling of the Enthroned Peace of Christ and Minister Life to Others
Being Ruled by the Peace of Christ to Live Christ as the Constituent of the New Man

As believers in Christ, we need to know and experience the all-inclusive, extensive Christ as the constituent of the new man; for us to live Christ as the constituent of the new man, we need to be ruled by the peace of Christ and inhabited by the word of Christ (Col. 3:12-17). In the one […]
We need to Allow the Peace of Christ to Arbitrate in our Hearts for the One New Man

For the living and practical expression of the one new man, we all need to allow the peace of Christ to arbitrate in our hearts so that the presiding peace rule within us and have the final word. This week is the last week in the morning revival on, The goal of the Lord’s recovery […]
Allowing the Peace of Christ to Arbitrate in our Hearts for the Church to be in Oneness

When we allow the peace of Christ to arbitrate in our hearts, this peace will settle all the disputes among us, we will have peace with God and with man, the church life is maintained in oneness, and we experience the renewing of the new man. Christ is our peace offering, as revealed in the […]
In His Kingship Christ Comes as the Peace Bringer: We Enjoy Him as our Rest in Peace

Jacob’s prophesying with blessing concerning Judah speaks of the victory of Christ, the kingdom of Christ, and the enjoyment and rest in Christ. In likening Judah to a lion that catches the prey and goes up to his place, resting and not being disturbed by anyone, Jacob actually spoke of Christ as the unique and […]
Letting the Peace of Christ Arbitrate in Us and Letting His Word Richly Abide in Us

The all-inclusive Christ revealed in the book of Colossians is our life and our daily enjoyment for our supply and experience. He is the First in everything – in the old and the new creation, in the Body, in the church, and in the new man. Christ is all and in all, and He wants […]