The all-inclusive Christ is the history of God’s move in man’s history in order to gain the building of God for the manifestation of God; Christ is skillfully working to sovereignly control the world situation in human history to work Himself into us and obtain the church as His masterpiece. Hallelujah! Our God is […]
Christ Controls the World Situation to Work Himself into us and make us His Masterpiece
God wants His All-inclusive, Extensive Christ to become our Everything for the Church

God wants that His all-inclusive, extensive, and preeminent Christ would become our everything for the church, the Body of Christ. The Christ unveiled in the book of Colossians is the all-inclusive, extensive, preeminent One, the centrality and universality of God’s economy; God wants to work such a Christ into us so that we may enjoy […]
The Church is the Mingling of God and Man, the Enlargement of Christ as the God-man

The church is the mingling of God and man; the church is nothing else but God mingled with man, and the nature of the church is the mingling of God with man. According to our natural and fallen concept, when we think of the church we merely consider that we are sinners saved by God, […]
The Experience of the Christian life and of the Church Life Consummates in a Rainbow

The experience of the Christian life and of the church life consummates in a rainbow, and this is seen in type in Ezekiel 1 which starts with open heavens, continues with the experience of the wind, cloud, fire, and electrum, and consummates with the rainbow around the throne on which a Man sits. This matter […]
Christ Builds the Church as the Temple of God by Building Himself into us daily

The Lord today wants to advance: He wants to gain the reality of the Body of Christ in the local churches so that He may have not only a “tabernacle church life” but a “temple church life”, a more solid, permanent, and even eternal expression of Himself in the church to the whole universe. We […]
Being Torn Down in our Natural Man and Rebuilt with God to be a God-man Expressing Him

What God desires is not a good and upright man who fears God and abstains from evil but a God-man who is filled with God to express God by living out God’s life. Our concepts need to be changed and renewed according to the word of God so that we may realize and be conscious […]
The Meaning of, You therefore shall be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect

One of the hardest verses for a young believer to understand is in Matt. 5:48, You therefore shall be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect. Immediately most believers take this as a matter of “trying to be a better person”, attempting to remove old sinful habits that don’t match their new calling to be sanctified […]