The Lord today wants to advance: He wants to gain the reality of the Body of Christ in the local churches so that He may have not only a “tabernacle church life” but a “temple church life”, a more solid, permanent, and even eternal expression of Himself in the church to the whole universe. We […]
Christ Builds the Church as the Temple of God by Building Himself into us daily
God Redeemed us to make us God in Life and Nature so that He can have the Body of Christ

We praise the Lord for bringing us to see the high peak of the divine revelation in the Bible, which is that God became man so that man may become God in life, nature, and expression but not in the Godhead to produce and build up the organic Body of Christ consummating in the New […]
God’s Intention is to Build Himself into our Being and to Build us into His Being

What does the Body of Christ need today? Have you ever wondered, what is the greatest need in the Body of Christ? Some may say that the Body needs more gifted members while others may emphasize more social work, practical help, or preaching the gospel. But what the Body of Christ mainly needs today is […]
When the Process of Designation is Completed we will be the Same as Christ

David was a man after God’s heart, and he wanted to build a house for God; this was a noble desire, but God told David that it was his son that will build Him a house, and his seed will be called the Son of God (see 2 Sam. 7:12-14a). David’s response was to go […]
God’s Economy and Goal are to Work Himself into Man and Build Man into Himself

In order for us to cooperate with the Lord for the building up of the church, the Body of Christ, we need to know the economy of God and allow God in Christ to build Himself into us. First of all, the church is the Body of Christ, the fullness of the One who fills […]
The Intrinsic Element of Our Work is to Minister God Into Others for the Body

We have seen that there’s a governing vision of the Bible, which is that God desires to work Himself into His chosen people to make them His corporate expression. Today we are on the matter of our work for God, our Christian work. What is the intrinsic element of our Christian work? Is it just to do […]
God’s Purpose is to Work Himself Into Our Inward Parts to Make Us His Expression

Our God has one unique work in the whole universe and throughout the ages, which is to work Himself in Christ into His chosen people that He may obtain a corporate expression in humanity. Throughout the generations and both in the Old and the New Testament time, this is the only thing that God desires […]