For the practical existence of the one new man, the total person of the old man must be put away, and we must live by our new person; we need to have an inward shifting from the old person to the new person. What God cares is not that we improve our behavior or do […]
Shifting from the Old Person to the New Person in our Spirit to Live for the New Man
Christ Builds the Church by Making His Home in our Heart to Constitute us with God

Christ is the only One qualified to build up His church, and he does this by building Himself into our being, that is, by making His home in our heart so that we may be mingled with the Triune God and become a mutual abode with Him. This is what the Bible reveals that God’s […]
Christ Builds the Church as the Temple of God by Building Himself into us daily

The Lord today wants to advance: He wants to gain the reality of the Body of Christ in the local churches so that He may have not only a “tabernacle church life” but a “temple church life”, a more solid, permanent, and even eternal expression of Himself in the church to the whole universe. We […]
If Christ Remains Imprisoned Within us, We Cannot have the Proper Church Life

In order for us to have the proper church life as the corporate expression of Christ we need to have certain crucial experiences, the first of which is having our soul subdued and saturated with Christ. If we still live in and according to our soul, deciding things by ourselves as we always do, having […]
The Divine Trinity is Working Together to Bring us into the Holy City (the 12 gates)

At the end of the Bible we see the New Jerusalem, the wife of the Lamb, the city-bride who marries Christ and the place where God dwells, is expressed, and reigns (see Rev. 21-22). If the New Jerusalem is the consummation of God’s work throughout the ages and from eternity to eternity, it is impossible […]
Allowing God to Work Himself into us for the Bringing Forth of Christ (the Seed)

In Genesis 12 we see that God came to Abraham and called him out to go to a land which He would give him and to his seed. Later, God appeared to Abraham, again and again, promising him a seed, and in Gen. 15:4-5 we see that, The word of Jehovah came to him, saying,…[He] […]
Seeing God’s Purpose in Creating Man and Cooperating with God to Fulfill His Purpose

Why did God create man? Why is man so special, among all other creatures and animals? Why does the Bible say that man has God’s image and likeness? There must be a purpose in God for which He created man. Was it just because “God is lonely and wants someone to fellowship with Him”? Or […]