There was much to appreciate about this year’s Autumn University Conference: meeting old friends, making new ones, campfires and hymns to the Lord, an informative Q&R session, and a lesson in humility in chess. However, my foremost enjoyment from the conference is our relationship with Christ, and more particularly Christ within us. God does not […]
Christ Dwells in us and We Remain in Him (2023 Autumn Uni Conference)
God’s desire in His economy is to produce many sons to be His expression – we are the sons of God!

In the previous sharing we saw that we are children of God – born of God with the divine life and the divine nature. But as we all know, being children is the initial aspect of our life (in both our human life and our Christian life) – we are daily growing in the divine life […]
the greatest wonder in the universe – man can be born of God and sinners can be made sons of God!

WOW! I love this wonderful delicious amazing and true quote from bro. Lee, Surely it is the greatest wonder in the universe that human beings could be begotten of God and sinners could be made children of God. How can this be? What is this? We, human beings, to be born of God? Even us, […]
May we be the firstfruits, those who are for God’s satisfaction and enjoyment

I was recently reading and enjoying this portion from the Conclusion of the New Testament, msg. 182: The one hundred forty-four thousand living overcomers, the firstfruit of God’s crop, will be raptured to mount Zion in the heavens for God and Christ’s fresh enjoyment. Here we see the difference between the man-child in Revelation 12 […]
enjoying the two spirits in Romans – it is our birthright to call, Abba Father!
It is so enjoyable/ encourage to read the ministry of the age that opens up the Bible. Today I enjoyed this little paragraph from The Two Spirits in Romans (chp4, pg. 33): Romans 8:15 says, ‘You have not received a spirit of slavery bringing you into fear again, but you have received a spirit of […]