Concerning the Triune God, the Bible tells us of the Father of glory, the Son being in glory and being glorified by the Father, and the Spirit of the glory and of God; our Triune God is a God of glory and we’re children of our Father being brought into glory! Hallelujah! The Triune […]
Christ is the Effulgence of God as the Father of Glory Infusing us and Glorifying us!
Today we are Preaching Christ as the Firstborn Son of God for His Propagation

Christ is both the only Begotten Son of God and the firstborn Son, and what we announce today is Christ as the Firstborn Son of God for His propagation. He was, is, and always will be the only Begotten Son of God in His Godhead, and He always existed and will always exist as such […]
Christ is the Captain of our Salvation and the Apostle and Builder of God’s House

What a wonderful Christ we have! In Hebrews we see that He’s the Creator, Upholder, and Heir of God’s creation, He destroyed the devil, He’s the Captain of our salvation into glory, and He is the Apostle and Builder of God’s house. Hallelujah for our wonderful Christ! He is the word of God to be […]
Today our Life is Hidden with Christ in God and Christ is Leading us into Glory!

The Christ who dwells in us is our life, and this life is hidden with Christ in God; this is typified by the manna hidden in the golden pot. Our life is hidden with Christ in God, therefore we should set our mind on the things which are above, not on the things which are […]