We need to learn from the life of Jonathan, Saul’s son, to follow Christ absolutely and give Him the preeminence, not allowing our personal affections to get in the way of following the Lord, and be one with the minister of the age and enter into the ministry of the age. In this last […]
See the Ministry of the Age and Enter into the Lord’s ministry to Build up the Body
We need to Know the Present Truth based on the Cumulative Truths Recovered by the Lord

We need to know God’s present truth, which is not God’s new inventions but man’s new discoveries in the Word of God, even today’s cumulative revelations of God. This week we come to a new topic in our morning revival entitled, Knowing and Spreading the Up-to-date Truth of the Highest Gospel of God’s Eternal Economy […]
Pay the Price to Buy the Truth and Stand for the Absoluteness of the Present Truth

We need to buy truth and not sell it; we need to pay the price to buy the truth, be absolute for the truth, stand on the side of the truth, not compromise the truth, and be absolute for the present truth. Prov. 23:23 tells us that we should buy truth and not sell it. […]
The Present Truth is the Central Revelation of God and the Lord’s Present Recovery

It is good to be reminded concerning the present truth, even though we may know it and may be established in it, for the present truth is both the central revelation of God and the Lord’s present recovery. The apostle Peter mentions this expression, “the present truth” in 2 Pet. 1:12, and we do well […]
Knowing the Present Truth and not being Castaways of the Present Truth in this Age

Since our God is moving, we as His people need to cooperate with Him to carry out His move in His economy first by knowing this age and then by knowing the present truth so that we may know where we are, what age we live in, what is the up-to-date present truth, and how […]