In His ascension, the Lord Jesus Christ is our High Priest doing so many things. He is offering the incense at the golden altar (Rev. 8:3), He is bearing us on His shoulders and on His breast before God (Exo. 28:9-29), He cares for God’s need, and He is the Mediator and Executor of a […]
Christ as Our High Priest Cares for Us and Makes Sure we Enjoy All God’s Blessings
In His Ascension Christ was Made the Head of the Church and the High Priest

Christ’s accomplishments and attainments in His ascension are very high and awesome, and we will spend eternity enjoying all that He is and has done. Our achievements may be enjoyed only by us or our family or workmates, but Christ’s achievements in His resurrection and ascension are in the Spirit with our spirit for us […]
God is Heading Up All Things in Christ as We Constantly Receive His Divine Dispensing

Christ in ascension is continually dispensing and transmitting all that He is and has accomplished into every member of His Body, the church. The great goal of this divine transmission is none other than the heading up of all things in Christ (see Eph. 1:10). God’s desire is to head up all things in Christ […]
In His Ascension Jesus was Made the Lord and Christ – We are One with Him in Spirit!

Let all the people on the earth know assuredly that God has made Jesus both Lord and Christ (adaptation of Acts 2:36). In His ascension, Christ was inaugurated by God to be the Lord of all and the Christ of God, and He was given the highest name in the universe – the Lord Jesus […]
In His Ascension Christ was Crowned with Glory and Honor, and He was Enthroned by God

As we grow and develop in the divine life unto maturity, we will be those who know the ascension of Christ – both in an objective way (the facts that Christ accomplished and attained to when He was ascended) and subjectively (by experiencing Christ’s ascension in our experience). If we are those knowing the ascension, […]